mission and vision

As part of the Fries Museum the Fries Verzetsmuseum contributes to the mission and vision of the Fries Museum.


The Fries Museum preserves and breathes new life into the history of Friesland to inspire Frisians and non-Frisians alike. The Fries Verzetsmuseum considers education of paramount importance.


The Fries Museum will be Friesland’s top cultural attraction in 2016.

Foto Ruben van Vliet
Foto Ruben van Vliet


The Fries Museum expands the appreciation for the art and history of Friesland. Its inhabitants and visitors get involved with the authentic culture of Friesland in the modern world with a personal and dynamic manner.


Friesland is the heir of much bigger European culture, ranging from France to Scandinavia. The Fries Museum strives to make a connection between the cultural mound of current Friesland and the world that surrounds it in ways that go with current times. This stance starts from the intrinsic values and qualities of culture: besides the effects on society it also creates educational economical and connecting value. The Fries Museum helps Frisians and visitors of Friesland understand the world around it. Its heritage of the past is a base for the museum to be the mirror for society as well as a laboratory for the future of the Frisian society. In this way, the Fries Museum and the Fries Verzetsmuseum collaborate for a  future oriented, democratic society.

21st century skills

The fries museum is THE place for visual culture of Friesland, that connects extraordinary people with extraordinary places. The Fries Museum serves as a bridge between local events in a worldwide theme. This ‘glocale’ mindset in shared between the Fries museum University Campus Fryslân, Wetsus, de Dairy Campus, de Vereniging Circulaire Economie Friesland and the other societal partners. The program of the Fries Museum creates possibilities to enhance the 21st century skills in people, such as creativity and empathy (this quality plays a special role in the Fries Verzetsmuseum). De code of cultural diversity offers opportunities to show the variegation of the Frisian society and to connect and reach for the world that surrounds it.

cocietal appreciation and privatization

The conserving of inheritance for future generations is a driving force for the museum, on that cannot be measured in visitor numbers. One important task of the museum is to expand the gratitude towards this preserving function. The collection and expertise of the Fries Museum can be shared between museums, inside and outside of Friesland. The physical encounter with heritage and art is a crucial quality of a visit to the museum. During the museum visit hospitality and great engagement are put central. All are welcome, and all can share the pride and astonishment of the Frisian culture. A visit to the museum is a personal experience, surprising and creative, one that breathes the  attentiveness of the museum. Privatization holds a special significance to the museum: the societal supporting base only gets realized if the museum succeeds in connecting communal inheritance with the personal and private living world of the members of the mienskip. The Fries museum is a non profit organization: with activities we can earn money, but all the profit of those activites goes to investing in the societal goals of the museum.

frisian: authentic, idiosyncratic
If we do something, we do it well. We fulfil all our promises. We base ourselves on tradition and craftsmanship, but with variations of our own. We say what we mean.

committed: open, engaged with society
We involve our surroundings in everything we do and ask our visitors for feedback. We are hospitable. Our organisation is accessible. We work with other parties. We respond to current events. We are also arrange activities on location beyond the museum's walls, we initiate contact and are approachable.

dynamic: lively 
We offer surprising insights. We stimulate people. We provide space for many different perspectives and much that is beautiful. We have a very varied programme. Our many events and activities means that there is always something to do in the museum.

policy plan

Policy plan Museum of Friesland 2017-2020

annual reports

The Fries Museum publishes annual reports (in Dutch only). Annual reports for previous years can be downloaded by clicking on the links:

Annual Report: 2003 2004-2005 / 2006 20072008 2009 2010 / 2011 2012 20132014 2015 2016 /  2017 2018 / 2019

Fries Verzetsmuseum
Wilhelminaplein 92
8911 BS Leeuwarden
T: 058 255 55 00
E: info@friesverzetsmuseum.nl

opening hours

Tuesday – Sunday 11.00h – 17.00h
Closed on Monday

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