The Fries Verzetsmuseum, the Fries Museum and the Keramiekmuseum Princessehof cooperate as a combined organisation. This organisation consists of approximately 50employees spread across five departments. Several employees focus on the operational management of the Fries Verzetsmuseum. Who we are and what we do is detailed below:
management assistent
Baukje Vis,, 058 – 255 55 07
medewerker directiesecretariaat
Elisabeth van der Sluis,, 058 - 205 00 18
board members stichting fries verzetsmuseum
Dhr. A. v.d. Burg, voorzitter
Dhr. S. de Jong secretaris
Dhr. J. Kuipers, penningmeester
Dhr. Y.J. Seffinga (St Sneek 40-45)
curator fries verzetsmuseum
Marre Faber- Sloots,, 058 - 205 00 80
marketing and communication, 058 - 255 5500